k5-edit is a Kawai K5 Editor for the Mac. It was written in MAX and allows you to see and edit every K5 window on screen at once. The K5 Controller and a brief help file are compressed as a Stuffit (sit) file.Although this was written in MAX, it is a stand alone application and runs by itself. It requires a PowerPC or G3 and OMS and needs 10MB of RAM to run. Note. If the OMS name of your K5 is not K5 then you should launch the application with the Control key held down. This will take you to the Prefs window. Select your K5 from the OMS name pulldown, click the Save button and click Restart. This will start the process of loading patchnames from the K5. If at anytime this process stops, you can do one of two things. 1. Click the Panic button and then click Relist on the Single side of the K5 Controller window. 2. If this still does not work, then your hardware may be too slow to use the Fast method. Open the Prefs window and change the Read Speed to Slow. Click Restart. If this is the only way of acquiring the patchnames from the K5 then save the prefs with the button in the Slow position. This should be avoided if possible as the Fast method is 3x the speed of Slow. If your system is too slow for the Fast method, try restarting the Mac with as few extensions turned on as possible. There are 19 Banks for use with this program available. The author of the program is John Williams. In case anyone has difficulty expanding the file or using the program, please contact him under johnbrit@earthlink.net